Avast ye landlubbers, and gaze upon the terror of the seven seas – Barnacle Bill the Undead Pirate Adult Costume! This be a cursed ensemble fit for a scallywag risen from Davy Jones' locker, a fearsome sight to chill ye to the bone. Behold the long black pirate coat, the shirt, ripped open to reveal a ghastly sight – a skeleton and gore printed beneath the fabric, a reminder of the fate that awaits all who dare cross paths with Barnacle Bill and his cursed crew. And what pirate be complete without a vest to boast of his ill-gotten gains? But here's the twist, me hearties – a green mesh duster to look like seaweed, clinging to yer cursed form like the embrace of the ocean itself. 'Tis a mark of the curse that binds ye to the depths, a reminder that even death cannot break the hold of the sea. Strap on yer black belt with attached grey sash, don yer black pirate hat, and slip into yer black boot covers, for ye be ready to haunt the seven seas as Barnacle Bill the Undead Pirate! So hoist the Jolly Roger, me hearties, and let terror reign upon the waves once more!