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If you’re one of the millions of hardcore cynics who work in commercial construction, you probably think this sounds like pie in the sky. But this is no magic bullet; it’s a call for real reform.
A historical retrospective focusing on 8 reprints of full stories from Fiction House, Avon & Ziff/Davis comic books of the 1940's & '50's, representing classic science-fiction comic book "space opera" of the era, with stories originally ...
Matt, an old bartender with a lot of mileage and a taste for bourbon, reflects on his life in tales shared with friends and family in the twilight of his life. For the young, many of the stories are of a world now gone.
Bill Black spent portions of his youth along the shores and inlets of the Southern US coasts. As he moved away, the memories of the shores never left him as he explored new places, people and stories. This is his fourth book of story poems.
In this book, Bill Black presents an entire theatrically based monologue show using his own poetry. It was written and developed by Black as an expanding show he presented to audiences in the Southwest.